
Portfolio Of Partners

Strengthen Your Business Impact by Supporting HAP

Humane Animal Partners welcomes businesses to make a meaningful impact by supporting our lifesaving mission. We work closely with companies to create partnerships that align with their values and objectives, ensuring a mutually beneficial collaboration.

Whether your organization is interested in volunteering, employee matching gift programs, or monetary contributions, your involvement directly helps us save and improve the lives of animals in need.

Businesses contributing $1,000 or more annually are welcomed into our Portfolio of Partners—a dedicated group of corporate supporters who share our commitment to making a difference.

Benefits of Joining HAP’s Portfolio of Partners:

  • Increased visibility and recognition within the community
  • Cause-related marketing opportunities that align with your brand
  • Enhanced image as a socially responsible business
  • Inclusion in Humane Animal Partners’ events and activities
  • Opportunity to become a presenting sponsor of one HAP signature event

Join us today with a gift of $1,000+ and showcase your company’s dedication to supporting animals and the community. Together, we can create a brighter future for pets and the people who love them.

If your business is interested in partnering with Humane Animal Partners, please contact Kate Callihan at kcallihan@hapde.org or 302.440.3113 or Leigh McKinley (Sussex County) at lmckinley@hapde.org or 302.200.7159.

Ready to join now?

To our current partners, thank you for making a difference in the lives of thousands of animals and families in our community!

Happier Together

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